How To Remove A Bug From Your Ear

How To Remove A Bug From Your Ear

A bug in an ear can be quite scary. Bugs, such as moths, cockroaches, ladybugs, and beetles, can crawl into ears while you sleep or during outdoor activities. Entomologists suspect that bugs crawl into ear canals to keep warm or keep safe. Whatever the reason, a bug in the ear is no fun. You will need to remove the insect to avoid hearing loss, ear damage, and infection.

1. Removing the BugStep 1 Tilt your head and use your fingers to wiggle your ears.

Step 2 Flush the ear with warm water with a dropper or a bulb syringe.
Hold your head upright and stretch the ear canal by pulling the outer ear. Put a steady stream of warm water into your ear. Tilt your head to the side to drain out your ear.  Do not irrigate your ear if you think your ear drum has been ruptured to avoid causing additional damage.
Step 3 Use mineral oil to kill the bug.
Step 4 Let the bug make its way out on its own.
Step 5 Go to a doctor for treatment.

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